2016 Fellowship Recipients
The Katrina Dawson Foundation is thrilled to announce that its partners for the 2016 Fellowships are the Aurora Education Foundation and the Roberta Sykes Indigenous Education Foundation.
One of the 2016 Fellows writes: ‘I would like to thank [The Katrina Dawson Foundation] for your invaluable support on the Aurora scholars study tour … I feel very privileged to be here and have kept the stories you told me of Katrina and her strength and spirit in my mind during this journey.’
The Aurora Education Foundation and the Roberta Sykes Indigenous Education Foundation are not-for-profit Foundations that enhance opportunities and support for Indigenous students to realise their academic potential.
The inaugural Katrina Dawson Foundation Fellowship recipients are:

Dr Sarah McEwan a Wiradjuri woman and a District Medical Health Officer in Western Australia - 2016 Katrina Dawson Foundation Fellowship Recipient

Teina Te Hemara of Yindjibarndi descent - 2016 Katrina Dawson Foundation Fellowship Recipient

Ngaree Blow of Bangerang, Yorta-Yorta and Noonuccal descent - 2016 Katrina Dawson Foundation Fellowship Recipient
Thanks to a co-funded Roberta Sykes Katrina Dawson Bursary, Dr McEwan will attend a Leading for Results programme at INSEAD, one of the world’s leading and largest graduate business schools. We are proud to support her professional goal of helping to provide “equitable, culturally safe and timely access to primary health care in all rural and remote areas of Australia”.