Introducing NSW Bar Katrina Dawson Award

From 2017, the New South Wales Bar Association will be giving out an annual Katrina Dawson Award. In honour of Katrina, the Award is intended to encourage women to start their practise as a barrister, and will be funded entirely by the NSW Bar. We are incredibly grateful for the Bar’s continued support, as well as their contribution to continuing Katrina’s legacy in this way.
Apart from honouring Katrina, the Award is intended to encourage women to practise at the NSW Bar. The Award is open to women who have passed the NSW Bar exam and are committed to starting practice. In particular, the Association is looking for applicants who have shown an ability and desire to participate in, and foster life at, the NSW Bar, and who are in need of the financial benefit that the Award will bring. The Award is in recognition of Katrina’s outstanding reputation at the Bar, including for mentoring young women. The Award will be funded entirely by the NSW Bar. We are incredibly grateful for the Bar’s continued support, as well as their contribution to continuing Katrina’s legacy in this way.
Further information is available here: