Huma Charity Challenge

Edwina Parsons, a long-time friend of the Dawson family, led a wonderful group of fit and adventurous women in walking the Larapinta Trail in the Northern Territory, and together they raised more than $60,000 for the Foundation. Wearing neck buffs the colour of aqua (Katrina’s favourite colour), they took in some wonderful sites, all for a great cause. Thank you to Kerry Barlin, Jo Cheadle, Sally Church, Nina Davidson, Karen Doecke, Judy Dreverman, Jenny Goode, Natasha Hammond, Jennifer Harvey, Michele Kearns, Patricia Kelly, Fiona Lomax, Jo Morbey, Trina Ronald and Jade Wong for your support. Thank you also to Cameron Graves at Equipped Outdoors (who partnered with Buff) for donating the beautiful aqua buffs, to Richard Crampton at Darkstar Digital for the fabulous banner with our logo, and to Fiona Windon and Lexi Connors at Huma Charity Challenge for their tireless work in organising the trip. We are so grateful to all of you for your efforts and generosity.